Science Plaza

Náttúrutorg (e. Scienze Plaza) is a project with the general aim  – to strengthen science education.

More specific aims are:

•To increase cooperation between science teahers.
•To establish a collection of teaching  resources.
•To facilitate increased professional development opportunities.
•To support the use of ICT in science education.
The project works at meeting these aims with the following activities:
  • An online community of over 300 science teachers which provides a venue for:
    •   Community building
    •   Facilitating the sharing of knowledge and experience between peers
    •   A platform to ask questions, give and receive advice
    •   To share resources
    •   Discuss teaching practices e.g. practical work
  • Meetings, edu-camps and workshops
    • Give access to expertise
    • Support community building
    • Peer learning
  • Website
    • Advertise events
    •Publish resources
    • Links to resources, ideas and materials
    • Visibility of the project
    • Portal to community
    • Raise awareness of related projects

The project was founded by Svava Pétursdóttir  in the spring of 2011 in Reykjanesbær. It was initially funded by The Pálmi Jónsson Natureconservation Fund( Náttúruverndasjóð Pálma Jónssonar) and Sprotasjóð   The Project is currently hosted and funded by the School of Education at the University of Iceland.

Science Plaza is linked to Education Plaza which is a collaboration venue,  meant to facilitate relationships  between actors in the education community and facilitate cooperation in school development.

To contact Science Plaza
Dr. Svava Pétursdóttir, Project Manager
Email: [email protected]
Tel (+354) 525 5364

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